August 18, 2020

Learner’s Network

What is the Learners’ Network?

The Learners’ Network is one of Literacy Victoria’s core programs where adults 18 years of age and older can get free, one-on-one support with basic reading, writing, math, computer, and other essential skills.  It is a matching service for adult learners and volunteer tutors who have compatible interests, needs, and availability.

How does it work?

Adults struggling with literacy skills can be referred to Literacy Victoria, though many seek us out independently.  We do our best to accommodate any adult with a learning need and a desire to address that need. 

The first step for potential learners is to meet with one of our professional staff members who will speak with them to determine their needs and skill level.   Following this meeting, they are paired with an appropriate volunteer tutor.  The learner and tutor establish a plan of action with goals they want to work towards, agree on when and where they will meet, and engage in regular learning sessions. 

Formal progress feedback in the form of Quarterly Goal Setting Reports is required from tutors every three months; biannual check-ins with the Program Coordinator regarding provincial literacy benchmark assessment is required in August and February of each year.

What types of requirements do learners have?

Our learners represent a broad spectrum of learning needs.  Some come with very basic reading or writing skills and want to be able to function more efficiently in society.  Some are taking specific courses but are struggling with language or concepts required to succeed in their education.  Others need help with employability skills such as workplace documents or manuals.  We are finding there is an increasing need for learners to acquire or update computer skills. 

Every learner has a unique situation, and we do our best to ensure that we pair each person who comes through our doors with an appropriate and dedicated tutor.

How long do learner/tutor relationships last?

We ask that ourtutors be able to commit to a minimum of six months. That being said, the length of a tutoring relationship depends very much on the needs and the commitment of the learner.   If a learner requires help with a specific task, the relationship can be brief but effective.  Some highly successful relationships have been going on for years.

What does one-on-one tutoring cost?

Our services are provided free to all learners.

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